Head2heart is a space for everyone to  unearth what really matters to them & align with what they deeply love & long for.

Tell Me More

Imagine flowing effortlessly with life 

Having confidence in your own abilities

Making decisions with Inspired Clarity & Certainty 

Knowing clearly What Really Matters To You


Well, take heart beautiful one... BEcomingYOU has been designed with you in mind.

 There is absolute power in knowing what truly matters to you and WHY!

You see the Stronger we are Emotionally the better we are at our careers, love, Business, families, friendships, LIFE!


Chris Ross


Hi, I’m Chris!

And I am passionate about helping people of all ages and stages to discover what lights them up and what they value. To love yourself again and reconnect with who you are and what really matters to you.

My own life derailed when my son had a catastrophic accident that damaged his spinal cord, leaving him a paraplegic. My world turned upside down with one phone call and every part of my life, my son’s life and my family’s life changed forever.

BEcomingYOU was birthed through the depths of this traumatic time in my life. For me, it took this life changing event to reflect, review, and reconnect with what truly mattered to me and my heart.

I found my way forward to finding Hope & Joy and possibility again and I know that this simple yet powerful journey will change your life too!

Even, if right now, you are feeling lost and overwhelmed, I promise, my transformational 6 Step mindset program will help you find those lost parts of yourself and help you re-align your life with what you deeply love and long for.


About Chris

Christine Ross


Hi, I’m Chris!

And I am passionate about helping women of all ages and stages to discover what lights them up and what they value. To love yourself again and reconnect with who you are and what really matters to you.

My own life derailed when my son had a catastrophic accident that damaged his spinal cord, leaving him a paraplegic. My world turned upside down with one phone call and every part of my life, my son’s life and my family’s life changed forever.

Unearth your Heart’s True Values was birthed through the depths of this traumatic time in my life. For me, it took this life changing event to reflect, review, and reconnect with what truly mattered to me and my heart.

I found my way forward to feeling whole, aligned and connected to my inner compass, my Values

And now, I’m on purpose to support other women, just like you, to reclaim those lost parts of yourself and align your life with what you deeply love and long for.


About Chris

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night




Start the next chapter of your life, like never before... clear, confident, and radiant!




Take the Journey

Do you prefer to work at your own pace?

To have the freedom to explore the content when it suits you, rather than having too much structure and schedules?

Then the “Self-Paced Values Journey” will support you.

While this format is ready for you 24/7, we’ll still have a 30min coaching session together during your program.

Head2Heart is holding this sacred space for your beautiful heart to open the whole way through, so you are never on your own.



Learn More
Welcome to "BEcomingYOU: A  powerful, transformational  Coaching Program"!

I believe your success in life and business can be found through my program BEcomingYOU!

It's a new & unique system designed to support you to move from Uncertainty & Self Doubt to a space of Inspired Clarity & Inner Strength.

If you enjoy working with other's, to feel connection, inspiration, uplifting conversations, then these group sessions are just what your looking for. They lead you to abundant Growth, Joy & seeing Possibility in every aspect of  your life, career or business.

If you're ready to take charge of your life and embark on an unforgettable journey of empowerment—enhancing every aspect of your life, career, and business—while growing into the incredible person you are meant to be, then BEcomingYOU is for you!



Learn More

*Payment options available. 

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night


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