Suggested Reading List

Awesome, easy to read innovative approach to facing our fears and doing it anyway. Susan presents a systematic approach by which you can overcome feels of self doubt, anger, frustration and helplessness to conquer your fears and start enjoying your life and everything you desire

Dr Joe teaches how to break the habit of being ourselves and develop new supportive habits that are our True Self. He shows us how to let go of the negative beliefs and embrace the Positive

This is one of my all-time favourite books! It is an astonishing journey through the realms of consciousness, responsible for the realities and outcomes you experience in life, and explains how to align yourself with those aspects guaranteed to deliver the end result you want.

Daring Greatly goes into depth about what vulnerability is, myths about the subject, and what to do when being vulnerable doesn’t end well for you. We all have to be vulnerable at different points in our lives, it is critical to fully understand ourselves and to know what to do when vulnerability leads to pain and Growth

6- Day Gratitude Meditation Journey


Some Great Podcasts


Joe Pane - Emotional Fitness Club

Onlinesocialbutterfly- Podcast

Add Heart Podcast - The Heart Math Institute

The Confidence Coach - Cassandra Dunn, Author Happy To Crappy

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